Fighting the deadly conditions on the migration routes: Rescue of migrants and painful discoveries of desert graves
Fighting the deadly conditions on the migration routes: Rescue of migrants and painful discoveries of desert graves
Massive and regular deportations from Algeria to Niger continue during the month of July 2021. With at least 1288 people deported on 16th and 18th of July 2021, the number of people deported since the beginning of 2021 increases to at least 14869 people.
There are 16 of them. They are part of the wave of deportees from Algeria at the end of the first half of 2021. After the harshness of the journey and the challenges of Covid 19, the nightmare of migration has been reduced to despair.
While many migrants and refugees are blocked in Niger, often as a consequence of brutal mass deportations from Algeria, Alarme Phone Sahara in Agadez is organising various forms of practical assistance. For example for a migrant woman from Nigeria whose personal belongings had been misappropriated or for people in distress after having been deported from Algeria:
No to deportations from Algeria to Niger!
No to the criminalization of migration and the closure of borders and migration routes in Niger!
No to deportations from Algeria to Niger and Mali! Stop the persecution and violence against migrants!
On 21st of May 2021, the transnational network "Afrique Europe Interact" and Alarme Phone Sahara, together with different partner groups, celebrated the transnational day of action "FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT INSTEAD OF DEPORTATIONS!" to demonstrate against deportations from Europe to African countries, but also deportations between African countries, encouraged by readmission agreements and by the externalisation of the EU border regime
New deportation convoys from Algeria into the desert border zone on 21st and 23rd of March 2021. At least 137 civilian persons murdered in the Tillia region in Niger.
Report about the story of 172 persons from Mali who were stranded in Agadez / Niger after being deported from Algeria and had big troubles with the way how the IOM handled their accomodation and their return to Mali.
Since the beginning of 2021, Taher Laouel and Attoumane Boukar, whistleblowers for Alarme Phone Sahara, have twice participated in the rescue of people in distress in the desert - a practical initiative against the consequences of policies of externalisation of borders that put the lives of migrants and refugees in danger.