Activities of APS

Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Time to listen to Refugees in Libya!

It is the 189th day the @RefugeesinLibya protest. Since October 2021, hundreds have self-organized to claim their rights. They face violence and oppression but continue to fight. Now, it's time to listen.

Follow their online event on April 13, 7pm CEST:

Sunday, 23 January 2022
The Collective Kitchen of Alarme Phone Sahara in Agadez

A video about Alarme Phone Sahara's Collective Kitchen in Agadez, Niger - supported by the Civil Sea Rescue Foundation (Stiftungsfonds Zivile Seenotrettung)


Tuesday, 08 June 2021
Alarme Phone Sahara's assistance for migrants in Agadez

While many migrants and refugees are blocked in Niger, often as a consequence of brutal mass deportations from Algeria, Alarme Phone Sahara in Agadez is organising various forms of practical assistance. For example for a migrant woman from Nigeria whose personal belongings had been misappropriated or for people in distress after having been deported from Algeria:

Friday, 21 May 2021
Video of transnational day of action "FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT, STOP DEPORTATIONS" on 21st of May 2021

Protest bus tour in front of the embassies of Niger, Tunisia and Algeria in Berlin

Friday, 21 May 2021
21st of May 2021: Transnational Day of Action "Freedom of Movement instead of deportations!"

On 21st of May 2021, the transnational network "Afrique Europe Interact" and Alarme Phone Sahara, together with different partner groups, celebrated the transnational day of action "FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT INSTEAD OF DEPORTATIONS!" to demonstrate against deportations from Europe to African countries, but also deportations between African countries, encouraged by readmission agreements and by the externalisation of the EU border regime

Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Food kit to mitigate migrant vulnerability

Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) is fulfilling the proposal of one of its partners to provide assistance to migrant households blocked in their right to move. A total of eight (8) households testify to this humanitarian gesture which is materializing at a crucial moment.

Saturday, 06 February 2021
6th of February 2021: International day of CommemorAction for people killed and missing on the migration routes

On 6th of February 2021, CommemorActions for the 15 people murdered on 6th of February 2014 in Tarajal by the Spanish border police and for all those killed and disappeared at the borders and on migration routes took place, among others, in Agadez in Niger; Sokodé in Togo; Oujda and Saidia in Morocco; Dakar and Gandiol in Senegal; Madrid and other cities in Spain, Brussels and Liège in Belgium and Berlin and Frankfurt in Germany.

Saturday, 09 January 2021
Half a year of Collective Kitchen in the Covid-19 context

For half a year, the Collective Kitchen run by Alarme Phone Sahara has been offering basic services to migrants and refugees who are blocked in Agadez/Niger under the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic and a repressive migration regime.

Make a donation to ensure the continuity of the activity!

Wednesday, 06 January 2021
-+Donation request message for the collective kitchen-+

The kitchen has become an important structure for the APS to get in touch with migrants.

Make a donation to ensure the continuity of the activity!

Tuesday, 05 January 2021
--Spendenaufruf für die Gemeinschaftsküche--

Die Küche ist für das APS Team Agadez ein wichtiges Element, um in Austausch mit den Migrant*innen zu kommen.

Unterstützt uns mit einer Spende, um die Fortführung der Gemeinschaftsküche zu sichern!