Activities of APS

Monday, 24 April 2023
Brot für die Welt - 6th Atlas on civil society 2023

Presentation of the 6th Atlas on civil society 2023 by Brot für die Welt
Focus on migrant defenders

Friday, 24 March 2023
Tunisia is no longer safe for African Migrants

Tunisia is no longer a safe country for African migrants, according to the many migrants who are currently stranded in the country.


Monday, 27 February 2023
Transnational Conference on Criminalization of Migration

The transnational project Alarme Phone Sahara (APS), invites you to a hybrid conference in Niamey (Niger) on 27 and 28 February 2023, in order to launch with you a campaign for the substantive revision of the Nigerien law on migrant smuggling "2015-36". This law serves primarily the interest of the European Union in its ambition to stop as many migrants as possible on their way to the North. It is therefore also partly responsible for the many violations of the rights of people on the move across the desert.


Friday, 17 February 2023
Event on Criminalization of Migration in Niger

Transnational Conference in Niamey, NIGER

In hybrid format (Presential and Online - Languages: FR/ENG)

27 and 28 February 2023

Friday, 21 October 2022
October 2022: Deportations from Algeria to Niger continue - assistance to deportees by Alarme Phone Sahara's tricycle

Between 8th and 21st of October 2022, at least 1964 people from various countries were deported from Algeria to Niger. The number of people deported since the beginning of 2022 is now at least 19069.

The Alarme Phone Sahara team from Assamaka went to "Point Zero" with their tricycle to assist the deportees, especially the sick, injured and weakened, to get to the village of Assamaka.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022
Solidarity video for Sierra Leonean refugee protest camp in Munich
Alarme Phone Sahara publishes this video in solidarity with the Sierra Leonean refugee protest camp in #Munich in Bavaria/Germany.


In #Munich Sierra Leonean refugees have been protesting since 18th of October 2021 against the Bavarian authorities' plan to deport them. The Bavarian authorities are seeking traveling documents from the Sierra Leonean authorities, among other things through so-called identification hearings. The protest has so far succeeded in preventing the Bavarian authorities from implementing their plans to deport many people to Sierra Leone as planned. 


However, the authorities have so far categorically refused to give the people concerned legal residence and thus access to work and future prospects.

The struggle of Sierra Leonean refugees against deportation and for the right to stay therefore needs strong solidarity.


Last but not least, as Alarme Phone Sahara, we would like to remind you that there are also many refugees from Sierra Leone among those who are travelling in life-threatening conditions on the Sahel-Sahara routes, who are stuck in precarious conditions in places like Agadez in Niger, and who have often been deported from Algeria to Niger under brutal conditions.


A delegation of Alarme Phone Sahara visited the Sierra Leonean refugees in Munich on 26th of June at their protest camp and we want to express our solidarity with their struggle.



Sierra Leone Refugees

Bavarian Refugee Coucil (Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat)





Sunday, 31 July 2022
Alarme Phone Sahara Tricycle in Assamaka: Practical assistance for deported persons

To assist people deported with convoys from Algeria arriving in Assamaka at the Algerian-Nigerian border, Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) has purchased a tricycle tuctuc vehicle that is used for different situations of need or distress.

Monday, 27 June 2022
Infotour Alarme Phone Sahara 2022

Solidarity against the EU border regime in the Sahara

With Azizou Chehou and Moctar Dan Yayé from Niger

Wednesday, 22 June 2022
Issouf Garba - a story of a migrant and the solidarity of Alarme Phone Sahara

The story of Issouf Garba, of the ordeal he went through between Libya and Niger and of his return to his family with the support of Alarme Phone Sahara.

Sunday, 15 May 2022
Report of the Alarme Phone Sahara mission to Dirkou, Bilma, Latai and Siguidine

With the aim of research and of improving the work of Alarme Phone Sahara on the ground, a mission took place to visit Dirkou, Bilma, Latai and Siguidine in the zone of the Kawar desert in the North of Niger, a zone crossed by many migrants and travelers. The region is also known for its dangerous risks on the migration routes and many migrants have lost their lives and been burried in the Kawar desert.