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Tuesday, 13 July 2021
The plight of Guinean migrants

There are 16 of them. They are part of the wave of deportees from Algeria at the end of the first half of 2021. After the harshness of the journey and the challenges of Covid 19, the nightmare of migration has been reduced to despair.

Saturday, 03 July 2021
Mass deportations from Algeria to Niger continue in April, May, June and July 2021

After the big wave of deportations in March, another at least 7332 people were deported in 12 deportation convoys from April till July 2021. Alarme Phone Sahara demands an immediate stop of this deportation policy and respect for the lives and human rights of migrants and refugees.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021
More deportations from Algeria to Niger on 28th and 30th of March - 6249 persons deported within March 2021

At least 1285 more people were deported from Algeria to Niger on 28th and 30th of March 2021. With that, the total number of people deported within March 2021 rises to the total number of at least 6249 persons.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Almost 5000 Migrants deported from Algeria to the border of Niger within one month while Niger is hit by a murderous terror campaign

New deportation convoys from Algeria into the desert border zone on 21st and 23rd of March 2021. At least 137 civilian persons murdered in the Tillia region in Niger.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Thousands deported from Algeria to Niger and Mali within few days. 60 People killed in a bus accident at deportation convoy? Demand for truth and clarification!

Official and non-official mass deportation convoys from Algeria to the border of Niger are continuing in March 2021 to an unprecedented extent. Another 2098 people arrived at the border post at Assamaka on 14th and 16th of March after being deported from Algeria according to the whistleblowers of Alarme Phone Sahara.

Thursday, 11 March 2021
Again deportation convoys from Algeria into the desert at the border of Niger!

Official and non-official mass deportation convoys from Algeria to the border of Niger are continuing in March 2021. According to the whistleblowers of Alarme Phone Sahara, at least 1054 people have arrived in March only at the border post of Assamaka after being deported.

Friday, 26 February 2021
NIGER : Post-electoral protests

In the republic of Niger, the second round of the presidential elections which took place on 21st of February 2021 is followed by protests and riots, while state authorities are trying to quell protests by repression against protesters and opposition members, including the arrest of more than 468 people and cutting the country off the internet.


Friday, 29 January 2021
Disruptions in the return of 172 Malian nationals deported from Algeria

Report about the story of 172 persons from Mali who were stranded in Agadez / Niger after being deported from Algeria and had big troubles with the way how the IOM handled their accomodation and their return to Mali.


Monday, 22 February 2021
Desolation, sadness and mourning due to the crossing of the desert

February 2021 will remain for a long time a period of bitter memories in terms of the free movement of people. The Agadez-Libyan border migration route has just plunged migrants into a state of great sadness and desolation. This reminds the defenders of "Frontex" of the harshness of their decision. In addition to the disappearances and deaths of dozens of human lives, there is mourning in this month of heavy toll.

Monday, 08 February 2021
13th of January and 8th of February: Rescue actions in the Niger desert in the zones of Dirkou and Bilma

Since the beginning of 2021, Taher Laouel and Attoumane Boukar, whistleblowers for Alarme Phone Sahara, have twice participated in the rescue of people in distress in the desert - a practical initiative against the consequences of policies of externalisation of borders that put the lives of migrants and refugees in danger.