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Friday, 25 December 2020
Migrants and Christian Orphans Together on Christmas Eve 2020

The Collective Kitchen of Alarme Phone Sahara in Agadez / Niger invites migrants and orphans together for a Christmas dinner - a celebration in the sense of human solidarity:

Friday, 18 December 2020
Is that a sin being a migrant? case ofB. EMENZIE

a victim of sexual violence breaks the nightmare.

Mrs. Joy a Nigerian lady met a young girl abandoned after physical treatments and psychological affects. in the below video, she explains  how she rescued a young girl from death. One APS volunteer lead herto our office in Agadez in Niger Republic. How did it happen?

 The chance was in favour of B. EMENZIE.

 The girl of the violence was extremely affected. Despite the first help APS offered to the girl with the medical assistance of Red Cross in Agadez, that girl is still unable to tell what she lived for along period in Libya. To conduct our interview, only Mrs. Joy who made the trip from Sebha (a libyan city) to Agadez told the story. Girl EMENZIE hardly pronounces words out of her mouth because of her health condition.  

 Girls in situations like EMENZIE's are many. Mrs. Joy, as a saver, sends an important speech to all who attemp to have an eye contact on migration challenges.

Mrs. Joy faces all the challenges to find EMENZIE's family since she could not make the way by herself. APS is engaged to spread the sufferings of the subsaharan migrants. Since a volunteer could facilitate to rehabilitate the family link to EMENZIE, APS coordination offers a financial transport and food support to the two ladies from Agadez (Niger Republic) to Kano (Nigeria State). There will be a follow-up from APS to get information from that rescued girl until she reaches her parents and siblings in Imo State (Nigeria). 


Saturday, 14 November 2020
The mass deportations from Algeria to Niger continue - when will this drama be stopped?

At least 1089 people deported between 12th and 14th of November 2020. 

Saturday, 31 October 2020
Algeria - Niger: At least 6747 people deported since 30th of September

People who were deported report brutal violence and theft by Algerian security forces.


Thursday, 08 October 2020
Large scale deportations from Algeria to Niger continue - protest also from Human Rights Watch

Another deportation convoy arrived in Assamaka on 8th of October 2020. Human Rights Watch (HRW) condemns the Algerian state's violations of the rights of refugees and migrants.


Thursday, 08 October 2020
UNHCR camp in Hamdallaye, Niger: Refugees protest after three days without food

Call for protest e-Mails to Alessandra Morelli, UNHCR representative in Niger

Video of refugee protest at Hamdallaye

Monday, 05 October 2020
New wave of deportations: More than 2500 citizens from sub-Saharan countries deported from Algeria and Morocco on a large scale

Alarme Phone Sahara condemns the racist treatment of migrants and refugees by the Maghreb states and their collaboration with the European border regime

Friday, 28 August 2020
28th of August 2020, 90 km from Dirkou: Tragic accident in the desert - 4 people killed and 2 wounded

On 28th ofAugust 2020, Laouel Taher, alert person of Alarme Phone Sahara (APS), was informed of an accident 90km west of Dirkou in northern Niger by a satellite phone call. According to current reports, four people have died and two have been injured.

Monday, 27 July 2020
Resumption of travel between African states - new large-scale deportations from Algeria to Niger

Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) Alarme Phone Sahara condemns the increased resumption of deportations and pushbacks from Algeria to Niger as traffic between African countries resumes.

Tuesday, 02 June 2020
Assistance to travelers in distress on the Agadez-Dirkou desert track

Frequent cases of distress in the desert have already killed many people during the last few years. The whistleblowers of Alarme Phone Sahara, likeLaouel Taher, are doing their best to assist people in distress and help to save their lives.